Space Shuttle
Journal webmaster inf0 art i made Contact MUSIC SHRINE credits PLAY MINESWEEPER!! GRAPHICS

not ideal for mobile! made by and for a 1920 x 1080 monitor

links and shit will work but it wont look the best..

area 51 button privacy button aol messanger button prochoice button lgbt rights button trans rights button made with windows button html sane button google button free speech button mobile unfriendly button new grounds button best viewed on computer button wii button no luck button our world button ebay button anti nft button autism acceptance button caffine addiction button irma decor button pokemon button plastic love button FREE palestine preserve history button made in usa button

take a moment to listen and drift away..

Welcome Space Cadet to Your Journey Into the Cosmos..

I am your trusted pilot Ace and I will be guiding you through my site. Beware of astroids and strange men who can shoot lightining out of their hands!! Here is a few messages from friends of distant lands.

subzero positive message spock positive message

befriend an andriod or maybe even a klingon..


My neocities journey started november of 2022 with the publishment of my first site (that I wish I could forget about.) I have always had an afinity for vaporwave and old tech as long as I have been on the internet. That interest would send me down a rabbit hole of surfing through individualized sites and other passion projects alike! I like to call my journey to neocities the vaporwave to indieweb pipeline, becuase in all reality my appreciation for vaporwave led me down this cool and amazing path.This website is made purely by hand and I have coded all the html on this site by myself. My mini blog does incorperate some javascript but that came with the site I got it from. If you don't mind I must take my daily 3 hour depression nap so please take your time to enjoy your tour of the infite vacuum we call space!!!!!!!

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for March 18, 1987

web-rings and such here

Previous retronaut web ring Next

caffeine nation button
caffeineNATION ☕︎ iced vanilla latte

songs I like right now..

☆ indicates its a favorite of mine

youtube links..

Ace's books

The Little Prince
it was amazing
one of my favorite books. grown up’s are so serious all the time you forget that they were once children too.
The Bell Jar
really liked it
Solid 3.75 I think the main reason the why I rated it the way I did is because I was in the worst place of my life and the book did not help. The fig tree monologue thingy will always have a place in my heart.

trying to find happiness..

to do

  • figure out whether or not there is something wrong with me because I feel like I am losing my mind
  • clean my room!!
  • get school supplies for next semester
  • make a well defined schedule
  • some how in some way be able to make friends in college..
  • buy new socks
  • wake up

my music taste is changing weirdly...industrial and metal to soft rock from the 70s.