april 17 2024
Hello random internet user who may or may not be reading this text post. I have returned to my computer adoration and severe interest in the internet. It was ound to happen again, though what can I say I am a creature of habit.Though what is new is I discovered my new profound love for the beatles. I am not sure if I specified it here but my special interest is music! I love music history, listening to music, and learning about musicians in general. Music is an integral part of who I am, it takes up most of brain and I have a deep love for the art. While the beatles are far from unknown, I haven't really ever looked into them beyond their classic hits like Here Comes the Sun , Let it Be , and Hey Jude. It took no time for me though to fall in love with them, more specifically paul and george. Weirdly enough it was a tiktok of someone painting george harrison that got me to look into the beatles in more depth. It is odd to me how much I did start to enjoy them the way I did. I guess beatlmania doesn't skip a generation.. For a band that grew popular during a time of budding technology I am surprised with how many recorded interviews and other media of the group there is our there on the internet. Though I will have to make sure to stay away from John and Yoko's experimental films..
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