november 1 2023

while making this site i realized that despite everything I have been through I am still the same person I was when I was 13. Of course I am now considered an "adult", but my interests never changed; only transformed. I still like science fiction, halloween, chocolate over vanilla, and even my stuffed animals. When you age, and i saying this as an 18 year old so please take this lightly, but you don't necessarily go through a metamorphosis. You just start to grow into your adult mind and body. I'll see 40 year old men go crazy over starwars and remember that inside of them is a 9 year old boy that still has the passion they once had. In no doubt though there are some things that I have outgrown. My taste in music is different than when I was 13, I enjoy different shows, and I value my own wellbeing more. Though I can still find remnants of my younger self scattered throughout my childhood bedroom and even my dorm. Somewhere deep down inside me underneath the tradgey and conflict is a young child begging to be held. I will hold onto her for as long as I can. She will be loved.